
General Visitors

General Visitors

Flow of visiting procedures

Before the visit

1. Submission of Documents


Forms and Samples



application form for a visit

  • Emergency contact information may be a work address where the family can be reached.

  • It is recommended that you purchase travel insurance (minimum coverage US$30,000) covering COVID19 treatment. Please check the box on the application form if you wish to purchase the University of Tokyo's travel insurance policy. After your return to Japan, the University will send you an invoice for the insurance fee.

    If you are not from Japan, you may purchase insurance for travel from and to Japan under the following conditions.

    1. Reside in Japan

    1. Able to understand Japanese

    1. have a resident card and pay taxes.


Copy of passport

To be used to request a visit to the TAO base facility and to provide information to El Loa Hospital in Calama.


Waiver agreement

  • The term is for one year. Please submit all those who may have expired.

  • Contractors with a contractual relationship with TAO are not required to submit this.

2. Safety lecture before visiting TAO site

3. High Altitude Medical Examination before visiting TAO site

4. Additional Preparation

Preparation of documents and procedures required for entry and exit

Please refer to 出入国の手引き.

What to bring

Preparation for local living

If you need assistance from TAO with any of the following arrangements, please contact

After entering Chile

1. Safety Protocols for Visiting TAO Site

We ask that you follow the following safety protocols while working at the TAO site.

2. Precautions for Visiting TAO Site
