Primary mirror: a monolithic 6500-mm diameter concave mirror
Secondary mirror: a monolithic 897-mm diameter convex mirror
Effective diameter of the primary mirror: 6153.6 mm
Effective focal length: 75074 mm
Focal ratio: F/12.2
Plate scale: 2.75 arcsec/mm
Focus: 2 Nasmyth and 2 bent-Cassegrain foci
Pupil position: at the secondary mirror
Image quality (80% encircled energy diameter): 0.39 arcsec
Drive system
Mount: an altazimuth system
Range of movement: 22-89 degrees for altitude, 360 degrees (+-270 degrees) for azimuth
reference for the FoV rotation speed:
Maximum rotation speed: 2 degrees per second for altitude and azimuth
Pointing accuracy: 2 arcsec in RMS
Tracking accuracy: 0.2 arcsec in RMS radius for 10 minutes in open tracking at the wind speed of less than 15 m/s
Required time in tertiary mirror rotation: about 2 minutes in a 180-degree rotation
Auxiliary Component
Instrument Rotator
rotates observational instruments and auxiliary components for canceling out the rotation of the field of view
one rotator for each Nasmyth focus
Components: an instrument, a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, and an auto guider camera
Maximum rotation speed: 3 degrees per second
Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
always activates during the observations to detect errors in the primary mirror shape
Limiting magnitude for guide stars: 16.0 mag in V-band for NICE and SWIMS, or 14.2 mag in I-band for MIMIZUKU
Auto Guider Camera
for correcting the telescope tracking errors
non-mandatory in observations if the tracking error is acceptable
Field of view: 16.6 x 12.2 arcsec for NICE and SWIMS, and 41 x 55 arcsec MIMIZUKU
Movable area: 10 arcmin radius from the telescope optical axis
Limiting magnitude for NICE and SWIMS: 16.0 mag, 15.2 mag, and 14.5 mag in V-, R-, and I-band, respectively, in a 10-second exposure
Limiting magnitude for MIMZUKU: 14.5 mag in I-band in a 10-second exposure at 0.6 arcsec seeing
Tracking accuracy with feedback: 0.15 times seeing